“Start with the things that you know and the things that are unknown will be revealed to you”
Rembrandt, (1606-1669)
After going through the scenes, including the Show and Tell session with my classmates and lecturers, I gathered all the feedback to finalise the film.
I’ve realised some editing issues like fading, cutting, and camera movement to look over. Speciality one of my lecturers, Leon Dexter’s feedback helped me better understand it and smooth the move at this point.
I’ve realised that I have to work more on this subject. Also, I’ve tried to use some other software but in this case, because of the lack of timing and deadline I’ve continued to edit and polish it as far as my knowledge as Tvpaint allowed me. I have to work on my editing skills in Adobe Premiere.
I’ve followed all the structures and general principles that Richard William has mentioned in his book, to review the final version of the film and check the elements over again.
The Animator’s Survival Kit
Book by Richard Williams

At the final point, I designed the poster related to the professional point of view and for further publishment on social media.
Also, I’ve had a final session with Julian martin composer of the film to provide the final version of the music. We went over the music and decide which version we like more, Also we reviewed the sound design for the titles and ending.
I really appreciate all he has done for this film, which put the soul of the movie to another level.

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